Alexandria Rising now on Audible – check it out

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears,
send me your beers, forget your jeers and sneers
and take a dive into a world where joy truimphs over fear
” – Wilford Shakespeare, Juliet Caeser.

My friends, it has been far too long since I have written a blog post. Thank you for your grace in being patient as I have been quagmired under a whirlwind of new resonsiblities at work and home and, as with all of us, coping with this strange new world of COVID-19.

As all of us, I entered 2020 with high expectations of promise. I had several scheduled readings and classes across the state. When COVID hit, they were all postponed. As a writer, I don’t “live off of the crowd” as say a musician or athlete would, but I do deeply enjoy meeting new and longtime readers, encouraging young writers and meeting so many interesting people at these events.

I am looking forward when this chapter passes to seeing your faces, sharing a cup of coffee or a glass of stout and, most of all, a laugh and a chat.

I do still have a few virtual events taking place, however. But, first let me kick off with some great news!


One of the biggest piece of news from my corner of the world is that my first novel, “Alexandria Rising” is now an audiobook and available on and I began working on this project in November 2019 and was fortunate enough to partner with narrator Thomas Cassidy. An Englishman, Cassidy has a brillaint talent and was able to successfully capture the characters and pacing of the novel. Here is the trailer if you want a taste.

Impressive, isn’t it? You can purchase it here on amazon or here on audible.


I am also excited to announce that the sequel to, “In Pursuit of The Pale Prince” is on track to be published in October 2020.

I will be revealing the title and have an interview with the artist who has been commissioned to create a painting for the cover in the next few months. This book really takes me into places and situations I had not envisioned before, primarily the world of magic. However, the magic is not a simple wave of the wand, but has rules i.e. I studied from Susanna Clarke’s “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell’s” class and took a few lessons from, “The Magician’s Nephew” by C.S. Lewis.

As with, “In Pursuit of the Pale Prince,” it is a Fantasy novel and appropriate for ages from 5 to 105. Stay tuned for details.


All said, while the bulk of the readings have been postponed, I do have a virtual Zoom class I am teaching in conjunction with The Fayette Library slated for July 18. You can register here.

I also begin a virtual blog tour on July 1 touting the audible version of Alexandria Rising. We have some very cool interviews coming up soon I will post on social media.

Do you have an idea for a class or virtual literary get together? Would you be interested in taking a class? If you have any ideas, email me at


I always like to share what I’ve been digging on in the cultural world in these blogs. If you have any ideas to share, please do. I am always seeking new art to consume.

1917: I saw this movie in the theatre and was virtually speechless for the two hours afterwards. Directed by Sam Mendes and helmed with Director of Photography Rodger Deakins, the movie is a masterpiece. I’ve watched some scenes over 20 times and bought it. It is brilliant across all spectrums and also gave me more empathy for my great-grandfather who served with honor in Argonne Forest in World War I.

Dark Places: Great short stories by Georgia writer Damon Poirier. Very well done and fantastic quick reads of quirky, yet, accessible imagination.

Lonesome Dove: I re-read this for the third time this past Spring and forgot what a fantastic epic it is. Larry McMurtry does an amazing job of capturing the fabric of the American west, but without losing the human element. Now, I am ready to re-read, “Comanche Moon.”

Music: I have been all over the place searching for a good groove this year. I’ve been re-listening to a bit of Gil Scott Heron’s “Spirits” album and Miles Davis’s early work. I also discovered Dublin post-punkers The Murder Capital and have been enjoying spinning parties from DJs such as DJ Nice.

Gregory Porter is a new favorite. His version of, “It was probably me,” by Sting and Eric Clapton is gorgeous – it even brought Sting to tears. I also love, “Take me to the Alley.”

That’s all for now. I hope to be seeing you all sooner, than later. In the meantime, stay in touch on social media or drop me a line at



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